Return & Refund Policy

Return & Refund Policy

The returned order(s) will be checked with the receipt together and the goods should be in good condition with the tag. The packaging should also be in original condition in the original shipping container as received. If the order(s) have been used or damaged by the customer, there will not be any refund. For the cost of return parcel arrangement, will bear by customer and DIADEM Malaysia will also not be responsible if the shipment is lost during the return transit. 

It will take up to 1-2 weeks for the return and refund process as we need to inspect the paddle first. Once the HQ has checked and approved the products, only the customer will receive their refund within 7 to 14 days after the confirmation.

Please return your purchase to the following address:
21-1, JALAN SS 2/75,
47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.


Defect Warranty Claim Policy (for Paddle only)

Customer shall only be allowed to warranty claim the purchased item within 6 months from the date of purchase provided that the item has manufacturing defects. 

In the event that you want to claim for warranty of the purchased item, you are required to send your purchased item to us and leave for up to ONE (1) MONTH for product defect verification process by Diadem Malaysia.

The original item and receipt are required to be presented for defect warranty claim. We shall not provide warranty for any human error defects. The final decision is subject to Diadem Malaysia's approval.

Cancellation Policy
If the customer would like to make a cancellation on the purchased product(s), do not hesitate to reach us at Our staff in-charge will assist you further with the cancellation process. Anyhow, we aim to serve happiness to our beloved customers.

DIADEM  Malaysia has the right to make any changes/ updates to the Return & Refund Policy contents without giving prior notice to the customers.